Cox's Orange Pippin

Britain's Favourite Dessert Apple?

First Reported1825
Use byDecember

Cox\'s Orange Pippin was raised by a retired brewer named Richard Cox at Colnbrook Lawn, Slough in 1825. It is believed to have been produced from a pip of Ribston Pippin. We are very proud to report that it was first grown commercially by our very own Thomas Rivers in 1862! It received its 1st Class Certificate and an Award of Merit from the RHS in 1962. It is extensively used by horticulturalists to raise new cultivars. It is probably Britain\'s favourite dessert apple.

It has a very attractive orange-red appearance. Its flesh is very juicy and intensely aromatic. It has a flavoursome, crisp taste - sweet but mildly acidic.

It is picked in October and can be eaten straight from the tree. It is best eaten before Christmas as it will not store for very long. It can be a difficult tree to grow as it susceptible to diseases such as mildew and canker.

External Sites with Further Information

Orange Pippin     The Telegraph

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